my first heroes medicine

Discover the environmental heroes who are changing our world in My First Heroes: Eco Warriors! Push, pull and slide the scenes to find out about Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough, Isatou Ceesay and John Muir, and be inspired by their incredible work. With scenes to explore, fun facts to learn and bright, bold illustration by Nila Aye, this is the perfect introduction for inquisitive preschoolers to these amazing earth heroes. The My First Heroes series has been endorsed and recommended by Dr Amanda Gummer's Good Play Guide. Find out more in this remarkable autobiographical series with Explorers, Artists, Scientists, Space and Inventors. The 'My First Heroes' books are a great way to engage little ones in reading, by making learning about inspirational people interactive and fun. The slides to push and wheels to turn provided lots of interest and our testers liked that the stories highlighted diverse and interesting lives. The stories and facts encouraged lots of discussion and questions, which is a great way for children to build their knowledge and communication skills. The interactive features also really helped children to feel like they were participating in the story, which is great for developing empathy and learning about identity. Dr Amanda Gummer, Dr Gummer's Good Play Guide

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